Physiotherapy- Sports injuries, Musculoskeletal, Dry Needling and Acupuncture

Sports Physiotherapy includes but is not limited to addressing sporting injuries but provides a sound, reasoned approach to all musculoskeletal pain problems including neck and back pain (read more….). . It is important to understand  how to not only  optimise injury management, but also how to change the mechanical factors that led to the injury occurring or prevented a traumatic injury from healing. Predisposing  sports technique deficiencies, body mechanics and equipment issues must be addressed in order to optimise outcomes and prevent reoccurrence.

Treatment strategies include:

  • wide range of soft tissue and joint mobilisation techniques
  • self mobilisation and treatment strategies
  • load and movement  efficiency , posture awareness and technique (sporting, work, hobby) optimisation training

Treatment with Physiotherapy Solutions South may incorporate needling within a dry needling or traditional oriental acupuncture paradigm of treatment depending on the requirements of each individual.

Traditional Acupuncture
Since 1994 Andrew has assimlated traditional oriental acupuncture with a biomechanical western approach to physiotherapy both in clinical practice and in a  teaching setting (read more…).

Dry Needling
The dry needling approach practiced at Physiotherapy Solutions South is dnp: integrated neuro-myofascial dry needling, an approach pioneered by Andrew Hutton and presented to his colleagues throughout Australasia since the early 1990’s (read more…….)