Our Treatment Philosophy

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Video analysis and screening

Video Movement Analysis

Video analysis is a common enough technique used by sports physiotherapists, coaches and participants in many sports every day. Video analysis provides  the ability to breakdown a particular activity and identify deviations from technique that may be reducing performance or leading to injury. When we observe inefficient movement any activity it is only an observation until we have further information in order to know the reason for them.

Some deviations in technique seen on movement analysis are caused by a lack of awareness and, in some cases, a lack of neurological control. Awareness issues will respond well to coaching, prompts and drills. Some some control issues will be partially addressed by coaching and some will not change at all until the the underlying movement problems are dealt with.

Much conventional treatment effort is spent stretching or foam rolling the painful structures, attempting to strengthen the painful structures, injecting the painful structures and blanket prescription of core stability and flexibility exercises. When these do not achieve a result many patients and practitioners alike do not know where to turn.


Integrated musculoskeletal screening

A specific integrated neuro-myofascial screening process allow us to determine whether there is an accumulation of tissue irritation or restriction involved and specifically target them with our treatment efforts where required. This is rarely if even that actual site of pain. eg. a shoulder restriction on the left may be what is causing  the hip on the right side to exhibit excessive lateral movement or a lack of thoracic spine rotation to the  left may be what is causing excessive and perhaps painful internal rotation of the right knee.

The neuro-myofascial screening in conjunction with video analysis allows us to  differentiate coachable technique issues from those due to limitations of the human machine. and gain valuable insights into the interaction between equipment, technique and the body . We can learn where range of motion and movement limitations are present , what has caused them and the best way to address them, whether by improving technique awareness and control or through specifically targeting tissue restrictions and irritation with manual therapy and dry needling.

We can also use the screening process to assist in determining the correct level of training load at any point in an athletes return to training and competition.